lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Topic 6: Videos and other useful Web 2.0 tools

 There are different ways to use Web 2.0 to change your world. 

According to Marnie Webb (2006) some of them are:

1. Find people. There are people out there who are interested in your cause. Seek them out. Technorati's blog finder can help you do this.
2. Find opinions. People are always sharing what they think — and you can tap into those opinions with the same tool you used to find people. Technorati's main search interface will help you discover what people are saying about the issues near to your organization's heart

3. Scatter a trail of comments on the Internet. You don't have to blog to comment on one. When you find the people and you find the issues, participate by leaving a comment.

4. Use RSS. You can't keep up with everything that's happening by trolling the Web and using your browser's Favourites or Bookmarks tabs as your starting point. There are a lot of good resources with information about RSS: find and use them.

5. Make yourself link-friendly and finally, use all resources to exploit your educational environment.

How about Movie Maker...

Window Movie Maker is an easy-to-use program found on many computers. With just a little help, children can start stringing together an original video. It’s an increasingly important skill to have as the world communicates more and more through video. So, now that you now about all these tools it's time to start your own project!

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Topic 5: Wikis

Wikis are websites whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often created collaboratively by multiple users. Examples include community websites, corporate intranets, knowledge management systems, and notetaking.

Check the YouTube video and make your own comments...

Or even better, create a wiki on your own!!

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Topic 4: Blogging: Is it useful?

Blogs... What are they???

They are frequently updated and written in a personal tone, a blog is a diary or journal where the writer or "blogger" will write her observations on the world or provide links to useful websites. Different bloggers write about different themes, sort of like a newspaper columnist but with no specialized training necessary.

So, start a Blog and inform the world!

Topic 3: Web evolution

Web Evolution
At the beginning of times...

Web 1.0:  According to Berners-Lee, could be considered the "read-only web." In other words, the early web allowed us to search for information and read it.

Web 2.0: It is related to the application. Users are be able to interact with one another or contribute content.

Web 3.0: Its a web service is a software system designed to support computer-to-computer interaction over the Internet.

What do you think is going to happen to the web when we reach Web 4.0?

Topic 2: Basic concepts in ICT & current situation

Let's consider the following ICT concepts used in education:

  1. E-learningIt comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. Therefore, The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process.
  2. Distance educationis a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom.
  3. On-line and virtual learning: Is an education system based on the Web that models conventional real-world education by integrating a set of equivalent virtual concepts for tests, homework, classes, classrooms, and the like, and perhaps even museums and other external academic resources. It normally uses Web 2.0 tools for 2-way interaction, and includes a content management system. also, virtual learning environments are the basic component of contemporary distance education.
  4. Blended learningrefers to a mixing of different learning environments. It combines traditional face-to-face classroom methods with more modern computer-mediated activities. 

  5. ICT in TEFL current situation
     Around the world and Venezuela
    o    In a world moving forward into an age evermore dominated by technology, the need to educate people - particularly young people and the teachers who teach them - in ICT is       becoming increasingly pressing. Not only should young people be trained in information technology to enhance their future career prospects, but also information and communication technologies can play a major role in education itself, providing newer and more efficient means of teaching. According to Cunningham (2008) these include distance education, and the facilitation of teaching methods in educational institutions themselves.
    o     Venezuela is engaged in the use of ICT s for educational purposes. Most universities have equipped labs in which students may experience Web pages that will help them to construct their own knowledge. However, this labs should be supervised so students and teachers take advantages of this tools. 

Topic 1: Digital literacy

Digital literacy refers to the ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment. (Digital Strategy Glossary of Key terms). Therefore, to be digitally literate has changed the way information is processed, delivered, and received in today's highly connected world.

Moreover, Gilster (2007) takes into consideration the approach to education in terms of media literacy, he states that it is "a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy."Thus, it is possible to state that technology creates a feasible environment for learners that are highly engage to the media and goes beyond boundaries, allowing the students to express their opinions and  practice their skills in a collaborative world.

Welcome message

Welcome to my ICT blog.

Hopefully you will be able to find some interesting information regarding technology and its uses in the educational field.

"Read you around"
