lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Topic 6: Videos and other useful Web 2.0 tools

 There are different ways to use Web 2.0 to change your world. 

According to Marnie Webb (2006) some of them are:

1. Find people. There are people out there who are interested in your cause. Seek them out. Technorati's blog finder can help you do this.
2. Find opinions. People are always sharing what they think — and you can tap into those opinions with the same tool you used to find people. Technorati's main search interface will help you discover what people are saying about the issues near to your organization's heart

3. Scatter a trail of comments on the Internet. You don't have to blog to comment on one. When you find the people and you find the issues, participate by leaving a comment.

4. Use RSS. You can't keep up with everything that's happening by trolling the Web and using your browser's Favourites or Bookmarks tabs as your starting point. There are a lot of good resources with information about RSS: find and use them.

5. Make yourself link-friendly and finally, use all resources to exploit your educational environment.

How about Movie Maker...

Window Movie Maker is an easy-to-use program found on many computers. With just a little help, children can start stringing together an original video. It’s an increasingly important skill to have as the world communicates more and more through video. So, now that you now about all these tools it's time to start your own project!

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